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Studia magisterskie

czas trwania

Czas trwania: 2 lata (4 semestry)


The aim of the studies is to prepare qualified managerial staff for the needs of business, administration and social organisations. During the studies, students acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in recognising, diagnosing and solving management problems in various spheres of activity of market entities and in optimal use of scarce resources: human, material and financial. Students become acquainted with social, legal and economic issues, creating a foundation for understanding the essence of management in its various aspects, analysing phenomena and solving management problems on a global, state, regional and micro scale in an organisation.


The educational programme of the second-cycle management studies with practical profile is results-oriented and interdisciplinary in nature. The educational content includes issues from management sciences and subjects from economic sciences and legal sciences. The study programme also includes the subject of individual entrepreneurship. Graduates are equipped with the skills to use accounting knowledge and information technology in making strategic and operational decisions in enterprises.


The study programme is interdisciplinary in nature. The educational content includes legal issues and subjects from economic and management sciences, such as:

  • in-depth knowledge in the field of economic sciences and advanced specialist knowledge in the field of management sciences and related sciences concerning the functioning, development and strategic renewal of organisations and economic systems in conditions of progressing European integration processes, globalisation, demographic and environmental threats,
  • ability to think abstractly and understand knowledge critically, enabling the identification, description, analysis and interpretation of complex processes and problems of an enterprise (institution) and its environment,
  • the ability to integrate knowledge from different fields in order to make an overall diagnosis of a situation and to create innovative solutions to problems within and outside the working environment,
  • ability to take an active part in international cooperation projects and to understand issues of cultural diversity,
  • ability to resolve situations of social conflict, as well as to mediate and persuade to cooperate in order to achieve common goals
  • ability to take an active part in decision-making processes and in the development and implementation of complex projects both inside and outside the work environment,
  • the ability to present and consult clearly and unambiguously, among professionals, their conclusions and the theoretical and practical rationale underpinning them,
  • an understanding of the professional and social obligations of a graduate in the social sciences.


Graduates of management studies may take up employment in consulting companies, marketing, advertising and recruitment agencies, in companies as specialists in organisation and management, managers and middle managers, specialists in analysis and reporting, personnel management. They are prepared to undertake work in public, state and local government administration units, as well as in organisations of an economic or public nature as advisors or consultants. Graduates are also prepared to pursue their own entrepreneurship and co-manage family businesses.



Pracownia Akademicka WSH

Akademicka Pracownia Consultingu, Rozwoju Osobowości i Coachingu

Akademicka Pracownia Consultingu, Rozwoju Osobowości i Coachingu

Celem działania poszczególnych pracowni jest włączenie do procesu kształcenia akademickiego elementów praktycznych, bezpośrednio związanych z życiem zawodowym. W pracowniach uczestnicy zajęć nabywają praktycznych umiejętności i kompetencji, zgodnych z kierunkami studiów. Pracownie w sowich działaniach otwarte są nie tylko dla środowiska akademickiego ale realizują zadania projekty dla społeczności miasta i regionu radomskiego.

Koła naukowe

WSH Koło Młodych Menadżerów

Koło Młodych Menadżerów

Spotkania on-line lub stacjonarnie (uzależnione od panujących obostrzeń w kraju w dobie pandemii), jeśli stacjonarnie to na terenie Uczelni (rezerwacja sali wg potrzeb) lub poza uczelnią w ramach wizyt studyjnych. Planowane spotkania odbywają się raz w miesiącu (w zależności od ustalonego harmonogramu, w przypadku dodatkowych potrzeb komunikacyjnych ze strony studentów organizacja dodatkowych spotkań) w weekendy lub w tygodniu. Terminy spotkań będą ogłaszane na bieżąco na Wirtualnym Dziekanacie.


Katarzyna Kalinowska

Katarzyna Kalinowska – Kobieta przedsiębiorcza

W dniu 19 marca 2021 roku o godzinie 18. 00, odbyło się kolejne spotkanie w cyklu wydarzeń pod tytułem, Kobieta Przedsiębiorcza. Gościem Wyższej Szkoły Handlowej i Studenckiego Forum BCC przy Loży Radomskiej, była Pani dr Katarzyna Kalinowska, Zastępca Prezydenta Miasta Radomia.


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