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International Open Lecture – prof. Dr. hab. Oleksandr Punda

On March 17th 2023, another lecture from the series of International Open Lectures took place at the Radom Academy of Economics.

This time, at our university via the MS Teams platform, we hosted Prof. Ph.D. Oleksandr Punda from Khmelnytsky National University in Ukraine.
The topic of the lecture was “The evolution of international criminal justice and the prospects of the responsibility of the Russian Federation for crimes against humanity during the war in Ukraine (2014-2023)”.
The lecture addressed the most important issues related to criminal liability for crimes committed by the troops of the Russian Federation during the war in Ukraine.
Unexpectedly, the lecture took on special symbolism and significance because just a few hours earlier, the International Criminal Court in The Hague had issued an arrest warrant for the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. The Academy of Commerce of Applied Sciences in Radom became the first academic center where a scientific discussion on this unprecedented event was initiated.
During the discussion, the geopolitical significance of the ongoing conflict, the possibilities of its further course were also discussed, and an attempt was made to determine Ukraine’s future place in Europe and the global security system.
The organizer of the lecture and the host of the event was the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Internationalization, Dr. Adam Tokarski.
Thank you all for participating.

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