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Graduation ceremony 2023

On Saturday, July 1st, 2023 at the Radom Academy of Economics, in Auditorium Primum at Traugutta 61a Street, the graduation ceremony took place.

The ceremony began with the listening of the European Union anthem “Ode to Joy”. Then the Rector of Radom Academy of Economics – prof. RAE Dr. Elżbieta Kielska in her speech congratulated the completion of studies, thanked all students for the effort and effort put into learning, and said goodbye to the graduates.

Right after the speech, prof. RAE Dr. Gerard Paweł Maj – Chancellor of Radom Academy of Economics congratulated and awarded diplomas to the best graduates of bachelor’s, engineering and master’s studies.

Then, the results of the competition organized by the Student Government took place.

Statuette in all categories:

– Lecturer of the year

– Motivator

– Personality

received prof. RAE Dr. Adam Ziółkowski.

The official part ended with a multimedia presentation – “Retrospection”, prepared by Adrianna Olszańska, Wojciech Wiszniewski, Alona Kondrashova, Lidia Skoczylas and Aldona Kowalczyk – Zagożdżon.

After the presentation, there was a short performance by the “Integration” theater, bringing together students of RAE and students of the Radom University of the Third Age, directed by Izabela Mosańska-Surma, titled “Once upon a time in Lailonia…”

At the end, we could listen and sing together with the Academic Choir of Our Students.

Right after the ceremony, we took the traditional souvenir photo, then we went to a cocktail meeting.

Congratulations to everyone on their successes and diplomas!

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