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Formal Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024

On Saturday, October 14th, 2023 at The 26th Inauguration of the Academic Year at the Radom Academy of Economics took place at 11.00 in the Auditorium Primum.

The ceremony began with the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the 25th anniversary of the University. The symbolic ribbon was cut by the Rector of AHNS – prof. AHNS Dr. Milena Matuszewska-Birkowska and the Chancellor of AHNS – prof. AHNS Dr. Gerard Maj. After the traditional singing of the Gaude Mater Polonia anthem by the Academic Choir of Our Students, the Rector of AHNS – prof. AHNS Dr. Milena Matuszewska-Birkowska, who emphasized the achievements of the University and its important place on the map of Radom and the region. The entire academic community honored with a minute of silence prof. who died on September 25th, 2023. AHNS Dr. Andrzej Gołębiowski.

The next point of the ceremony was the speech of prof. AHNS Dr. Gerard Paweł Maj, who presented letters of congratulations to the best AHNS students for achieving outstanding academic results. In addition, he honored the winners of the competition for the best master’s thesis in the academic year 2022/2023. The winner of the Magister’s Laurel competition was Anna Bogucka – author of the work entitled “The role of the kindergarten teacher in developing artistic creativity”, under the supervision of prof. AHNS by Dr. Milena Matuszewska-Birkowska. Second place went to Anita Krzepkowska – author of the work “The role of grandmother and grandfather in the process of raising a child”, under the supervision of prof. AHNS Dr. Andrzej Gołębiowski. Third place was taken by Emilia Długosz – author of the work “Working with children with psychomotor hyperactivity disorder”, under the supervision of prof. AHNS by Dr. Elżbieta Kielska.

A special moment for the academic community was the thanks given to prof. AHNS Dr. Elżbieta Kielska, who served as Rector for 17 years. The Founders of the University expressed their appreciation and respect on behalf of all those present.

One of the main points of the ceremony was the matriculation of first-year students. The Rector of AHNS welcomed representatives of all fields of study to the students of AHNS in Radom.
Right after the matriculation, it was time for the speeches of the guests who congratulated the university authorities and students. Then, the Dean of the Faculty of Strategic and Technical Studies, Dr. Martyna Mostowska, read the addresses sent. The new students were also welcomed by Oliwia Kopyt – Chairwoman of the Presidium of the AHNS Student Government Parliament, who encouraged her colleagues to make the most of their studies and to persistently pursue their goals.

The culmination of the 2023/2024 Inauguration was a lecture by prof. AHNS Ph.D. Wojciech Wiszniewski entitled: “Revolution or evolution of management sciences” and the performance of the Academic Choir of Our Students, which sang the anthemic song Gaudeamus Igitur.

After the official part, the entire academic community took part in a traditional banquet at Cafe Gallery.

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