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Students of Radom Academy of Economics receive annually approximately 3.2 million PLN in total. Every third student uses scholarships. Many of them study free of charge. Well-developed scholarship system is a great way to equalize chances of everyone for a higher education, as well as additional motivation for students that are interested in achieving great results in studying.

Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education

This is the most prestigious form of scholarship awarded to students in Poland. Until now as many as 84 Radom Academy of Economics students have been awarded with it. Currently we are leading among the private universities in Poland in the number of students with this scholarship.

Students of the Radom Academy of Economics – as the only non-public universities in the region, received the Minister’s Scholarship!

Receiving of this scholarship is not an easy task, as it’s awarded to those with the outstanding achievements in studying but also those who are active outside of Academia’s walls, they participate in conferences and research projects, publishing scientific papers, and work for the good of the local community. It’s helpful to combine the scholarship with Leader Academy program, as participants of the latter receive additional support from their tutor. Leader Academy program is a unique Radom Academy of Economics’ initiative in the scope of the whole region.

Chairman’s Scholarship

Education pays off! After completing the first year of undergraduate, or during the first year of graduate studies, after depositing the index in the Deans office before the end of the amendment session, student can apply for a Chairman?s Scholarship for the best students. There are of course a number of conditions that has to be met, so the student can obtain such scholarship, an average rating of at least 4.3 in the previous year being one of them. Other, such as outstanding academic athletic or artistic achievements, can also be a reason to grant such scholarship. Additional factors, such as extra-curriculum activities are also being considered. Among them, participation in conferences, research projects, scientific publications and awards or highlights from competitions. Students receiving Chairman?s Scholarship for the best students, can also apply for the Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, or other scholarships, such as: for outstanding achievements in sport or science, a social scholarship, a special grant for disabled students, or random difficult situations allowance.

Social Scholarship

It is granted to a students in a financial hardship. The amount of income entitling for this scholarship is decided by Academia?s chairman after consultations with students body. The amount of scholarship depends on the income per one person in the students household. Importantly, the so called “Social” is awarded also to the first years students. Students who use this form of assistance can also apply for any other scholarship. Increased amount of scholarship can be granted to a student in a financial hardship, due to living in a dormitory or in a facility other than dormitory, if commuting from place of residence would prevent or substantially impeded the studying.

Special Scholarship For Students With Disabilities

Special grant for the disabled students can be granted to a student which disability was confirmed by the competent authority. This provision is granted granted after student, that is entitled to it requests it at the Academia complex.

Random Difficult Situations Allowance

This allowance may be granted at the request of a student, which is now in a financial hardship due to the random event. This benefit does not apply if a financial hardship is due to a long term reasons – in such case the student should apply for a Social Scholarship. Random events are eg. accident, sudden, severe students illness, or illness/death of a family member, a theft or natural disaster (like a flood or a fire).

For more information on the scholarships, please contact:
Bursar – student support dept.:
Radom Academy of Economics
61a Traugutta st.
pho/fax 048 363 22 90 ext. 52

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