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The specialisation in airport management relates to knowledge and issues in the field of organisational forms of airports and the principles of their creation, functioning and development, as well as the structure of the environment and the relationship between the airport and its surroundings. The programme of the specialisation, includes a broad knowledge, skills and knowledge of tools in the field of airport management, as well as developing the ability to use theoretical knowledge in the process of airport management. The aim of the specialisation is to prepare professional graduates to work in companies related to the aviation market, as well as in consulting and research units dealing with issues of airport economics. Completion of the Airport Management specialisation programme allows students to gain in-depth knowledge of the organisational forms of airports and the principles of their creation, functioning and development, as well as of the structure of the environment and relations occurring between the airport and its surroundings, airport development planning taking into account the principles of sustainable development.


Completion of the specialisation allows you to acquire knowledge and skills in:

  • airport management
  • airport infrastructure and logistics
  • airport economics, including financial management
  • airport marketing
  • airport market forecasting, using relevant methods and tools
  • airport development strategy
  • market regulation for air transport services
  • sustainable airport development


Graduates of this specialisation are prepared to undertake work at various levels of the organisational structure, including: airports, airlines, institutions operating in the aviation market, media related to transport and the aviation market (trade press, thematic portals, etc.), companies related to the functioning of air transport (handling agents, travel agencies, companies related to general aviation, etc.), consulting companies, scientific units involved in aviation market research.

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