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Ceremony of burying the Time Capsule

Ceremony of burying the Time Capsule

Ceremony of burying the Time Capsule Radom Academy of Economics is celebrating its 25th anniversary, on this occasion a Time Capsule burial ceremony took place on December 1st, 2023. On the solemn day of December 1st, 2023, Radom Academy of Economics, in the memory of...
Formal Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024

Formal Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024

Formal Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024 On Saturday, October 14th, 2023 at The 26th Inauguration of the Academic Year at the Radom Academy of Economics took place at 11.00 in the Auditorium Primum. The ceremony began with the unveiling of a plaque...
Graduation ceremony 2023

Graduation ceremony 2023

Graduation ceremony 2023 On Saturday, July 1st, 2023 at the Radom Academy of Economics, in Auditorium Primum at Traugutta 61a Street, the graduation ceremony took place. The ceremony began with the listening of the European Union anthem “Ode to Joy”. Then...
Kayaking with students

Kayaking with students

Kayaking with students On June 6th, 2023, after a long break, took place a kayaking trip down the Pilica river At 7.30 we left the campus at Traugutta and went to Górki. We started with a full instruction before entering the water, conducted by specialists from...
International Open Lectures

International Open Lectures

International Open Lectures On May 9th, 2023, the Radom Academy of Economics had the honor to host two professors who work at Igdir University in Turkey: Dr. Ahmet Ates and Dr. Murat Eren. The lecture was attended by students of psychology and criminology. The topics...
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