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“Socio-economic consequences of the COVID -19 pandemic” – Expert Debate

The Radom Academy of Economics, Faculty of Law and Administration, Academic Accounting Office, Student Forum Business Center Club invite you to participate in the Expert Debate on “Socio-economic consequences of the outbreak of the COVID -19 pandemic”.


The Covid-19 pandemic is a completely unusual time for all of us. It triggered a multifaceted crisis that went beyond the health, economic or socio-political crisis, and its implications must be considered in many dimensions. The statement that the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have been felt and will be felt by virtually all sectors of the Polish economy for a long time is obvious to everyone. In recent months, we have heard of corporate failures or markets that have lost billions of dollars during the lockdown as a result of the pandemic. However, not so often is there talk of industries that not only came out unscathed, and even benefited during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The novel coronavirus pandemic has shown both market participants, policymakers and the general public that natural disasters can create a direct global devastating economic impact on an unprecedented scale. Therefore, assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy is very important from the point of view of governments, businesses and households.

The subject of the expert debate covers the essence of the socio-economic changes that took place as a result of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. We hope that it will be primarily a platform for the exchange of scientific views and practical experiences. The thematic scope of the debate includes such issues as:

-The impact of the pandemic, including the lockdown, on the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises.

-Consequences of the pandemic for international mobility.

-The functioning of households in the face of a pandemic.

-The impact of the pandemic on the macroeconomic policy pursued.

-The impact of the pandemic on the economic situation.

-The labor market in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

-Using information and communication technologies in the initial period of the pandemic.

-Functioning of accounting offices during the pandemic.

-Remote work and human resource management.

-Effect of COVID-19 on commercial and marketing activities.

-Company management during a pandemic.

-Psychological consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic in children and adolescents.

-Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the education of children and adolescents.

-Effects of social isolation. -The trust of the public during the pandemic.

-Social consequences of the pandemic in the area of ​​professional activity.

-The situation of rural and urban residents during the pandemic.

-The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the standard of living of the elderly.

-Community actions towards citizens most exposed to the Covid-19 virus emission.

-Children and adolescents in a Covid situation – 19.

-Priorities of the state’s social policy.

-Violence in the family in the context of the introduced lockdown.

-The impact of the pandemic on selected aspects of Polish life.


Ph.D. Ewelina Markowska – Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee, researcher and teacher at RAE

Ph.D. Eng. Emilia Żuchowska- Kotlarz – Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of RAE

Oliwia Kopyt – Chairwoman of the Student Government of RAE 

Dominik Kędzierski – Student Forum of Business Center Club

Anna Słopiecka, MA – Secretary of the Radom Lodge of the Business Center Club


Radom Academy of Economics, Traugutta 61 a, starting at 9:30.

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