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Erasmus students with a study visit to the Radom police station

On May 31st, 2023, the 2nd Police Station at 49 Świerkowa Street was visited by students of the Radom Academy of Economics studying under the “Erasmus+” program.

The main organizer of the event on behalf of the Police was Sylwester Kucharczyk – Commander of Police Station II in Radom, in cooperation with the Head of the Police Staff Department in Radom, Superintendent, Mariusz Staszowski, Deputy Head of the Road Traffic Department of the Police Headquarters in Radom, subcomm. Tomasz Fituch and the Deputy Head of the Patrol and Intervention Department of the Police Headquarters in Radom, Subcomm. Sebastian Berlinski.

Students talked to police officers about safety and learned the secrets of police work. Police officers from the Road Traffic and Prevention Department familiarized the audience with the specifics of operation of individual departments. Students had the opportunity to learn what service in individual police departments looks like. The demonstration of intervention against criminals using a dog to detain people was very popular. According to assumptions, dogs tracking people are able to find a trace left by a person even several days earlier. The policemen showed the guests around the premises of the police station and showed them the difficult, often dangerous work of a policeman. The demonstration of police equipment was a great joy and was an interesting attraction to watch. Students could also talk personally to officers about their daily service and the opportunities offered by service in the Police.

The hosts of the meeting were the Commander of the Police Station, Comm. Sylwester Kucharczyk, and Rafał Tabaka, who conducted classes with students. The Academic Center for Practical Education was represented by prof. AHNS Andrzej Gołębiowski, Ph.D., and Agnieszka Lipińska, M.A

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