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Expert Council

The Radom Academy of Economics implementing the mission of creating qualified staff for the needs of various entities of the local environment, places great emphasis on improving educational processes, raising education standards and the quality of programs. It achieves this, among others, through cooperation with high-class specialists associated in the RAE’s Council of Experts, representing companies and institutions that constitute the pillar of the ongoing socio-economic processes in our environment.

They include the Presidents, Directors and Managers of the business sector – the Radom Business Center Club, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Radom Region, the Radom Center for Innovation and Technology, the Radom Economic Zone Service Department of the City Hall of Radom, Imperial Tobacco Polska Manufacturing S.A., Humansoft Radom, Hortex  and Bank PEKAO branch in Radom.

Commanders, Directors, Chiefs, Judges and Patrons of such institutions as the Provincial Police Headquarters in Radom, the Criminal Investigation Laboratory of the Provincial Police Headquarters of Police in Radom, Detention Center in Radom, District Court in Radom, Law Offices. Among the members of the Council there are specialists in the field of education and upbringing – the Masovian Center for Social Policy in Radom, the Masovian Self-Government Teacher Training Center – Faculty in Radom and the Crisis Intervention Center in Radom. These are people who have been cooperating with the RAE for years and with their activity inspire the management staff of the University to take up new challenges. They have achieved measurable success, they know the market needs very well, they know what competences and skills should be characteristic of graduates of the Academy.

The tasks of the Council of Experts include:

-integration of the science environment with the socio-economic environment,

-rational use of resources and potential owned by both parties,

-generating needs in the field of research areas, projects in the context of the preparation of diploma theses of an application nature,

-expanding the idea of dual and lifelong learning,

-optimization of competences and skills that should be possessed by students and university graduates applying for employment in business, administration, uniformed services, the IT industry, education and upbringing, and judicial authorities.

The Council of Experts of the Radom Academy of Economics consists of:

-Monika Bednarczyk – Director of the Mazovian Branch of the Center for Social Policy in Radom;

-Łukasz Białczak – President of the Board of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Radom Region;

-Dominika Bielawska – HR business partner;

-Imperial Tobacco Polska Manufacturing;

-Tomasz Fidos – President and owner of Humansoft Radom;

-Marcin Kobylski – Judge of the District Court in Radom;

-Urszula Miśkiewicz – Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Radom Region;

-young inspector Aneta Pawlińska, Ph.D. – Deputy Director of the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police;

-Izabela Seweryn – Chancellor of the Radom Lodge Business Center Club;

-Edyta Sikora – HR Manager Hortex Holding;

-Anna Słopiecka – Secretary of the Radom Lodge of the Business Center Club;

-Beata Stępień – Director of the First Branch of Bank PEKAO in Radom;

-Jarosław Szewczyk – President of the Radom Center for Innovation and Technology;

-Marek Świszcz – employee of the Ministry of Interior and Administration;

-Rafał Tabaka – Owner of a Legal Office;

-Bogusław Tundzios – Head of the Department of MSCDN in Radom;

-Krzysztof Turek – Director of the Department of Services for the Radom Economic Zone of the City of Radom;

-Włodzimierz Wolski – Director of the Crisis Intervention Center in Radom;

-Sławomir Życzyński – Deputy Director of the Remand Center in Radom.

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