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As part of the specialisation in Intelligence and Counterintelligence Services, pursued at the Faculty of Internal Security, Bachelor’s degree studies, we prepare graduates to work in State Security Institutions. In a special way, the specialisation is dedicated to those who wish to pursue a professional career in the field of special services.  During the studies, students learn about the organisation and operational work of uniformed services, the army, the police and institutions dealing with internal and external state security. The study programme implemented within the framework of the specialisation will allow students to acquire broad and thorough theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the functioning of intelligence and counterintelligence services in the state defence system. In the course of studies, students complete classes in the organisation and functioning of special services in the fight against organised crime and threats that may influence the destabilisation of the state security system. The teaching staff consists of a team of specialists, including former and currently active officers of special services and the Police.

Completion of the specialisation allows you to acquire knowledge and skills in:

  • History of intelligence
  • Theory of intelligence work
  • The role, place and tasks of intelligence (special services) in the Polish security system
  • Legal basis of intelligence activities
  • Management of intelligence activities
  • Ethics of intelligence work
  • Psychology and sociology of intelligence work
  • Economics of intelligence work
  • Forms of intelligence work
  • Directions in the development of modern intelligence (Multisource Intelligence and Multisource Analysis)


Graduates graduating with a specialisation in Intelligence and Counterintelligence Services will be able to work in State Security Institutions. After graduation, those who are interested in taking up service in the army, police and other services operating in the state security system will be able to apply for admission into their ranks. The specialisation will provide preparation for entry into the ranks of the special services.

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