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The aim of this specialisation is to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of services provided through and using the possibilities offered by the Internet today. Online bookkeeping is based on programs for self-decision making of company accounting documents. During the course of study, the student learns about the current legal provisions on business activity and about financial and accounting software for full service of business entities.


Completion of the specialisation allows you to acquire knowledge and skills in:

  • forms of income taxation
  • forms of keeping records in case of taxation on general principles and flat rate tax
  • flat-rate income tax on registered income
  • principles of keeping a Tax Revenue and Disbursement Ledger
  • keeping records of sales invoices in the income register and in VAT registers using a financial accounting programme
  • recording purchase invoices for VAT purposes with the use of a financial and accounting programme
  • preparation and printing of VAT-7 declaration, monthly PIT advance payment for lump sum, VAT and income tax transfer order with the use of the financial-accounting programme
  • entry of accounting evidence in the financial-accounting programme
  • recording the purchase of commercial goods in the CRM system using a financial accounting programme
  • the recording of sales of commercial goods in the P&L register
  • preparation of financial statements in a financial and accounting programme
  • settlements with the Tax Office
  • settlements with the Social Insurance Institution
  • operation of the Płatnik programme


Graduates of the online accounting specialisation can take up jobs in companies, banks, state and local government institutions as financial analysts, accountants, balance sheet specialists, accounting advisors. They are also prepared to run their own business – an accounting office.

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