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During their studies in the specialisation of psychodietetics, students learn about theoretical and practical aspects. related to nutrition. Students will learn methods to support changes in the field of psychodietetics in relation to selected groups such as adolescents and children, the elderly, pregnant women, obese people. During the course of study, students will acquire the latest knowledge on diseases related to poor nutrition, such as for example: atherosclerosis, diabetes, anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders. The specialisation in psychodietetics provides knowledge on modifying undesirable human behaviour towards a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and its impact on mental state and happiness.  Studies within this specialisation are conducted on the basis of a practical profile, which guarantees the acquisition of practical skills in working with people interested in the issues of nutrition and maintaining mental health, associated with a healthy lifestyle. The aim of the studies in this specialisation is to prepare for work in the area of human health, perceived from the perspective of both physical and emotional spheres. Completion of the studies will equip the graduate with knowledge that will allow them to describe and explain human attitudes in the context of nutrition. It is worth noting that the study programme includes, in addition to psychological knowledge, broad and professional and social competences


The study programme within the specialisation includes such topics as:

  • Psychology of personality
  • Clinical psychology
  • Introduction to psychodietetics.
  • Health-promoting behaviour in psychological terms
  • Psychological aspects of somatic diseases
  • Health psychology in non-psychiatric medicine
  • Psychology of weight loss
  • Application of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in psychodietetics
  • Eating disorders – psychological aspects
  • Emotion regulation and eating behaviour
  • Application of motivational dialogue in psychodietetics
  • Introduction to psychosomatics
  • Health-promoting behaviour


Graduates of the specialisation in psychodietetics will be prepared to take up work in institutions interacting with public nutrition, in companies promoting healthy lifestyles and personal development based on various forms of diet. Those graduating from this specialisation will be able to support the work of professional staff in fitness clubs and rehabilitation facilities at Health Care Institutions or sports centres. Graduates of this specialisation will be equipped with knowledge, skills and competences allowing them to be involved in the work of leisure centres, holiday groups, recreational facilities. Graduation from this specialisation will allow graduates to find their place in the activities of organisations counteracting the problems of obesity, anorexia and other disorders of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

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