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Study visit to NATO

As part of the Academic Practical Education Study, on October 26th 2022, AHNS students completed a study visit to the NATO Joint Forces Training Center and the 3rd NATO Communications Battalion based in Bydgoszcz.

This unique visit was an opportunity to learn about the essence of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and to experience the atmosphere in facilities of strategic importance for the security of our part of Europe.

After passing the procedures for entering NATO facilities, the students took part in a meeting with the deputy commander of the NATO JFTC, General Petr Svoboda, and had a unique opportunity to talk to officers from the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Turkey and Poland who perform demanding service in this area. unit, and previously took part in a number of allied operations, including: in Afghanistan and Iraq. The officers willingly answered students’ questions about the possibilities of working in NATO structures, service conditions and the challenges accompanying it.

In addition, AHNS students at the 3rd NATO Communications Battalion had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with some of the equipment used by the Alliance troops stationed in Poland and could see with their own eyes what the everyday, active service of NATO soldiers looks like in the current, difficult geopolitical realities.
The organizers of the trip – Dr. Adam Tokarski – Dean of ASKP and Anna Mączyńska, MA – Vice-Dean of ASKP, would like to thank the NATO JFTC officers for good cooperation in organizing the event.

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