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draft of specialization

Psychology of change and personality development is a specialisation that responds to the needs of modern man, living in a world of constant change. Both man and the world around him are subject to this change. It is an area of knowledge, growing out of social psychology, a strongly advanced and deepened strand of psychology. The focus of studies in this specialisation is broadly defined world change. The research also focuses on changes in people’s everyday life in terms of their family life, work environment, affiliation groups and society as a whole. Within the framework of the taught specialisation, students learn about the dynamics of psychosocial processes, which they themselves become participants in through active forms of activities. The aim of this specialisation is to learn about the mechanisms of change, ways of managing the process of change, to “tame change” so to speak, and to use it for one’s own development and that of professional and social groups. By experiencing change and gaining practical skills, students learn how to use the change process to improve their quality of life. The social competences derived from the studies also focus on understanding the processes of dealing with crisis, conflict, sudden catastrophe, loss of work, loss of perspectives, loss of a loved one.

specialization focuses on

Selected specialisation subjects:

  • Personal branding
  • Coaching: Negotiation and mediation
  • Developmental psychology
  • Psychology of change
  • Intercultural communication – workshop
  • Personality development training
  • Personality psychology
  • Coaching in personal development
  • Psychology of individual differences
  • Contemporary trends in leadership and leadership
  • Career counselling and coaching
  • Entrepreneurship and entry into the labour market

career prospects

Graduates of the specialisation Psychology of change and personality development can work as mentors, advisors, coaches, in managerial positions.  They can perform expert functions in consulting companies, uniformed services, local government units, family welfare institutions, social care institutions. Psychologists of this specialisation will find employment in coaching companies, personal development centres, in planning departments of companies and organisations, they find employment as coaches in areas such as family, business, training, marketing.

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