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draft of specialization

The specialisation in Human Resource Management and Personnel Policy prepares students for a position that is related to the creation and implementation of an optimal personnel policy in a company. Human resource management is a unified and coherent method of managing the most valuable asset of any organisation – the people who, through their personal and collective efforts, contribute to the realisation of all goals set by the organisation and thus strengthen its competitive advantage. Students of this specialisation will gain knowledge of modern methods of employee selection, training, as well as motivation management. Classes will also be enriched with issues related to the social and psychological rules of functioning of people in organisations.

specialization focuses on

Completion of the specialisation allows you to acquire knowledge and skills in:

  • managing a team of people
  • innovative methods of human resource management
  • personnel management on the European labour market
  • recruitment and selection of employees
  • employee evaluation in the company environment
  • competence management of employees
  • management of remuneration systems
  • Polish and EU labour law
  • mediation and negotiation
  • change management
  • self-presentation and self-creation
  • building the position of the HR department
  • effectiveness of human resources management

career prospects

A graduate of this specialisation will be well prepared to work as a manager and practitioner of human resources management, HR specialist, recruitment and selection specialist, leader of project teams, as well as in positions related to the management of training, projects, and remuneration systems.

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